Thursday, 25 September 2008

Cabot Circus shopping mall opens in Bristol today.........

........with a little help from Capita Symonds

The exciting new Cabot Circus shopping development in Bristol City Centre opens today. And Capita Symonds played an important part in it's development.

Working on behalf of The Bristol Alliance, a four party consortium of retail and infrastructure developers and funding companies, we provided the transportation and highway engineering design for this major redevelopment of Bristol’s main shopping area.

In the later stages of the projects, we were also appointed to work for the development contractors on the Public Realm Regeneration Scheme, which included all new paving, street furniture and drawings.

The scheme comprises a mix of land uses, including up to 60,0002 of offices, 400 new homes, a car park for 2,500 cars with associated variable message signing, and a package of measures to improve accessibility by public transport including real time passenger information systems.

To allow development the scheme required the major diversion of the primary road network including the main gyratory junction at the city centre end of Bristol’s central motorway link, the M32, and diversion of major utilities infrastructure. The new design includes surface level crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, to ensure the dual carriageway isn’t a barrier to entry.

See our case study

Find out more about Cabot Circus

Groundbreaking graduate development programme in 'Regions' Offices

Our Regions division have just launched ‘BusinessWise’ - a groundbreaking graduate 'business skills' development programme designed in partnership with our Salford joint venture ‘Urban Vision’ and the University of Salford.

58 members of staff from our ‘Regions’ offices in Altrincham, Blackburn, Colwyn Bay, Cumbria, Cwmbran, Durham, Salford, Sefton, Southampton and Swindon have signed up to start the two-year programme.

Students will complete a 'Postgraduate Certificate in Business Performance Management' which has been specifically developed for Capita Symonds and Urban Vision.
Much of the teaching will take place at our offices, with one module also featuring two days’ retreat at a camp in Snowdonia.

Teaching on the course is also combined, with University of Salford tutors delivering theoretical and subject-based modules, and working with staff to deliver company-specific teaching and learning in the work place.

Capita Symonds staff enrolling on BusinessWise course

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