Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Sustainable solutions brochure

For all those at Ecobuild or interested in sustainability, we've produced a new Capita Symonds Sustainable solutions brochure.

Find out more about our experience and expertise - view our Sustainable solutions brochure

Charity Abseil

Richard Skeets from our Southampton office will be abseiling down Parkstone House (a 13 storey nurses home at Poole Hospital) on Sunday 15th March to help raise funds for a new maternity project.

You can sponsor Richard at Just Giving -

Update from Ecobuild

It was a great day at Ecobuild yesterday - with the Capita Symonds' theatre packed for every session.

Don't forget to catch Rob Firth, Head of Architecture, today talking about "Building Zero Carbon Schools" today at 12:00.

Here are a few photos from yesterday: