Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Capita Symonds at BSEC 2010 - Post 1

A brisk start to BSEC at its new home for 2010 at ExCel.

Putting aside the usual delegate complaints about travel problems getting to the Docklands venue, the first few hours have been well attended and emphasised BSEC's place as the conference/exhibition for school design, as it has been for the last few years.

Has the event lost anything in its move from Manchester Central (its 'bulging-at-the-seams' home in previous years)? The jury's still out on that one - its certainly larger but maybe that's not everything.

Highlights today include Capita Symonds' Richard Woods speaking at a live online debate today 2.30pm - Join the debate

We've put some photos on Flickr - have a look!

More photos and commentary to come over the two days.