Monday, 16 March 2009

Comic Relief activities - Colwyn Bay office

Our Colwyn Bay office also went red, raising approximately £80 in the process.

Nick Owen was patriotically dressed in a Welsh flag kilt (see pic) and Mike Kelly won a bottle of champagne for dressing in red women’s clothes. Paul Terry and Joe Gardias also put an extra £10 in the pot for the privilege of seeing Lynnette Holden singing in front of the office!

Comic Relief activities - East Grinstead office

To celebrate Comic Relief 09, the East Grinstead office dressed up for the occasion (any excuse) but the highlight of the day was definitely a custard pie throwing contest.

‘Willing’ volunteers agreed to be pelted with make shift custard pies and big thanks go once again to Jonathan Goring (MD), John Southgate (Director), Garry Pratt and Martin Beckett who all took their turn in the Yellow Poncho of Fear! As a result of the day’s activities the team raised over £100 for the Red Nose cause.