Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Smart research holds the answers to congestion

A research study carried out by Capita Symonds’ transport planning department in 2005 has been doing the rounds on the internet over the last few weeks.

The study concluded that Short Passenger Vehicles (SPVs) such as Smart cars could actually reduce congestion, as well as using less fuel and needing smaller parking spaces.

Mercedes-Benz (who own Smart) are now encouraging Boris Johnson to consider Smart Cars for his "Way to Go" document - discussing transport issues, including ways to cut congestion in the capital.

"We’ve suggested to the Mayor that he could improve traffic congestion in London by encouraging the use of space-efficient cars, like the smart fortwo. The fortwo’s exceptional fuel economy, reduced CO2 emissions and the fact you can park two smarts in the space of one regular car, can only be positive news for the Capital."

Find out more about the Capita Symonds research

Read some of the recent articles promoting the use of SPV's (and quoting Capita Symonds' research):