Well, two weeks from today I’ll be in the air on my way to Tanzania. I’ve had all my jabs, picked up my anti-malaria drugs and my visa has arrived.
The company I’m going with has supplied me with a holdall and the packing is well under way.
The fundraising has continued with a very helpful email from Jonathan Goring to all the Capita Symonds staff that raised my sponsorship from under £200 to over £750 including off-line contributions. I would still like to raise over £1000 so I would appreciate any further donations at:
I have also been in contact with a few people who have climbed Kilimanjaro with varying degrees of success and their comments have been very useful and entertaining.
Capita Symonds guys have also provided me with a Capita Symonds flag for me to take but unfortunately it was supplied with a 1 metre pole. I have removed it as I would like to actually be allowed onto the plane!